Lake Waubesa Conservation Association

Membership Information 

Membership in the Lake Waubesa Conservation Association is free.  However, what we do to further the objectives of the Association is not.  We continue to operate with an all-volunteer effort as in the past, and many of our members have expended a great deal of their own time and money in furthering LWCA goals. 

The Lake Waubesa Conservation Associaton is a non-stock, non-profit corporation.  Your contributions are tax-deductible.  Mail contributions to the address below. 

Copies of the newletter will be available on-line soon along with back issues, or if you want to be on the mailing list, send a message to  To get e-mail message about major updates to the site or time sensitive information (max. of 4 times a year) send a message to the  Please note, our mailing list are not sold or loaned to other organizations.

© Lake Waubesa  
Conservation Association, Inc. 
P.O. Box 6521 
Madison WI 53716 
(608) 221-8423

LWCA Mission Statement

To engage in informational and educational activities required to preserve and enhance the land, air, and water resources in and surronding Lake Waubesa to ensure a quality environment.