Welcome to the Lake Waubesa Conservation Association!

Sunday June 13, 2004 - 2:00PM
Annual Meeting

Lussier Family Heritage Center
Lake Farm County Park
3101 Lake Farm Road Madison, Wisconsin

  • Keynote Panel - Lore of the Lakes

Enjoy a roundtable of chronicles shared by historians, scientists, and long-time residents in the know about the rich legends and history of the lower Yahara Lakes - A preview of the 2nd printing of Taychopera - A Canoe Guide to Dane County's 4 Lakes

Bob Birmingham
, Retired State Archaeologist
Jane Licht, Co-author, City of the Second Lake; A History of McFarland
Kurt Welke, Fish Biologist, WDNR
Ray Potempa, Friends of Lake Kegonsa
And many more

Come hear the latest on what is being planned for this facility, and find out what impact it will have on the waters of the Yahara River and Chain of Lakes.

  • Election of Officers
    Nominees for Board Positions:
    Cal DeWitt, Doug Kornetzke, Bill Lunney,  NIK Meiers, Mark Pernitz, Kathleen Sitter and Jan Zimmermann.

    Continuing Board Members: Kitty Brussock, Jim Bowen, Dean Hein, Kevin Kesterson, Sally Ann Miller,  Dale Ollhoff, Judy Plambeck, Judie Pfeifer, Stan Solheim, Scott Zimmermann and Tim Zinkgraf.

    If you would like to be considered for nomination, or are interested in nominating someone for LWCA Board membership, please contact Jan Zimmermann (Exec. Director)  execdirector@lakewaubesa.org 

Spring 2004 Newsletter
Click here to download the newsletter (329k) & the insert! (44k)

Complete Q&A about DNR Permits - Courtesy of Ray Potempa, Folks

Site Index 



Board of Directors & Officers
President - Scott Zimmermann 
Email:  president@lakewaubesa.org 

Vice President - Jim Bowen 
Email:  vicepresident@lakewaubesa.org 

Secretary - Judy Plambeck 
Email:  secretary@lakewaubesa.org 

Treasurer - Judie Pfeifer 
Email:  treasurer@lakewaubesa.org 

Executive Director - Jan Zimmermann 
Email:  execdirector@lakewaubesa.org 

Webmaster - Tim Zinkgraf 
Email:  webmaster@lakewaubesa.org

Board Members with Terms expiring in 2003
Cal DeWitt 
Doug Kornetzke 
Bill Lunney 
Nick Meiers
Mark Pernitz
Kathy Sitter
Jan Zimmermann

Board Members with Terms expiring in 2004
Kitty Brussock
Jim Bowen 
Sally Ann Miller 
Judie Pfeifer
Tim Zinkgraf
Scott Zimmermann

Board Members with Terms expiring in 2005
Dean Hein
Kevin Kesterson
Dale Ollhoff
Judy Plambeck
Stan Solheim

Other e-mail addresses: 
Want to submit something to the newsletter? 
Want to join? 
Have an up coming event you'd like to submit? 

Membership Information

© Lake Waubesa  
Conservation Association, Inc. 
P.O. Box 6521 
Madison WI 53716 
(608) 221-8423

LWCA Mission Statement

To engage in informational and educational activities required to preserve and enhance the land, air, and water resources in and surronding Lake Waubesa to ensure a quality environment.